Costilla County Conservation District

Conference room reservations

About the Costilla County Conservancy District
Costilla County Conservancy District was formed by petition and Court order in 1976. The district was formed initially for Flood Control under Colorado Revised Statutes Title 37-101. Under this statute, and appointment the Conservancy District Board is a 3 member board. The CCCD board members are appointed by Court Order by a Costilla County District Judge.
Check for news and updates for Costilla County. The District will prepare an agenda and post the agenda at least twenty-four hours prior to every meeting on the District’s website.
The agenda will note the time and location of the meeting and the specific matters to be discussed at the meeting.
PUBLIC MEETINGS NOTICE: During the COVID Pandemic, and due to the limited number of people allowed in our conference room, CCCD will make available to the public all meetings via video and audio conference. To join via video conference go to the link that is posted on the agenda. Click on day of the meeting for agenda.

by Dana Maestas, Ronda Lobato The Sangre de Cristo Heritage Center & Museum boasts a new addition to its grounds, an adobe …
The Costilla County Conservancy District is pleased to share this article from and our very own Ronda Lobato! View the Article …
The Costilla County Conservancy District is pleased to announce our new website we hope that you enjoy it. Please let us know …