Costilla County Conservation District

About Us

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We Provide a Wide Range of Practice AreaS

Costilla County Conservancy District was formed by petition and Court order in 1976. The district was formed initially for Flood Control under Colorado Revised Statutes Title 37-101. Under this statute, and appointment the Conservancy District Board is a 3 member board. 

The CCCD board members are appointed by Court Order by a Costilla County District Judge.

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The CCCD’s current board:

The council is made up of three board appointed members that represent the entire Costilla County Conservancy District.

Fernando A. Martinez


Earl Valdez


Ronda Lobato

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The CCCD’s current Staff:

Yates McConnell

Watershed Coordinator

Christian Santistevan

Recreation Coordinator
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Our Partners

Sangre De Cristo Acequia Association
Colorado Open Lands​
San Luis Valley Water Conservancy District​
Rio Grande Basin Round Table​
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado Division of Water Resources ​
Colorado Water Conservation Board​
Special District Association of Colorado
Costilla County Government
Colorado Watershed Assembly
Water Education Colorado
Rio Grande Water Conservation District